
Full name
Bruno Bianco
Emeritus professor

Professor Bruno Bianco received the “Laurea” degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Genoa, Italy, in 1967. He has been a researcher at the Istituto Elettrotecnico Nazionale “Galileo Ferraris” of Turin (1967-1971) and at the Italian National Council of Researches (CNR) (1971-1983). Since 1973, he has been a Professor of Electrotechnical Engineering at the University of Genoa, teaching the courses of “Electromagnetic Fields”, “Optical processing of signals”, “Environmental Electromagnetics and Biomedical Interactions”, and “Physical bases of image formation”.  Prof. Bianco has been the Director of the Ph.D. School in Science and Technology for Information and Knowledge, University of Genoa (2006-2012), the Director of the Ph.D. Course in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science (2005-2012), and the Director of the University Center for the Interactions between Electromagnetic Fields and Biosystems (ICEmB) (1998-2000). His main research areas have included the interaction between e.m. fields and biological systems, the e.m. characterization of biological materials and inhomogeneous materials, characterization of ionic solutions and mixtures, microwave measurements,  acoustical waves, acoustical microscopy, atomic force microscopy and microscopy based on the tunnel effect, optical processing of images.

Prof. Bianco is a member of the European Bioelectromagnetics Association. He has also been a member of the COST 244 project (“Biomedical Effects of Electromagnetic Fields”), the responsible for several scientific projects developed at national and international levels, and the author of about 230 scientific publications.