The Applied Electromagnetics Group is a research group of the Department of Naval, Electrical, Electronic, and Telecommunications Engineering (DITEN) at the University of Genoa. We work on high frequency applied electromagnetics problems. The people of the Applied Electromagnetics Group carry out teaching activities at the Polytechnic School of the University of Genoa.

Our research group is participating in the activities of the COST Action TU1208 "Civil Engineering Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar".

Alcune esercitazioni nei corsi offerti dal nostro gruppo di ricerca per l'anno accademico 2015-16 sono state svolte in collaborazione con Huawei.

Una finestra sulle enormi potenzialità dell’ottica e della fotonica nel campo della scienza e tecnologia dell’informazione e delle comunicazioni (ICT, Information and Communication Technology).

"Microwave Imaging" available in stores!

See for information.


An introduction to the most relevant theoretical and algorithmic aspects of modern microwave imaging approaches